Brian Evans
animation notes

music/graphics-Brian Evans

A sonic/visual sorbet to cleanse the palette while dining on several courses of rich, over spiced media.

For the more inquisitive read on (but its not necessary or required).

A digital excursion of sound mapped to number (it's raw digital state, no pun intended), visualized (a digital paint-by number) and re-sonified (a Pythagorean feast, pun intended, as it's all number anyway once you go digital). A process unfolds as image and sound. Hear the colors. Listen with your eyes.

music/graphics-Brian Evans

Everything reduces to data mapping and information design. The only hard question is why we do either. I never got past a fascination with numbers, a desire to write songs, a desire to make pictures.

All is number in the computer. I take numeric models and see what songs and pictures they will make. How can I map numbers to the senses--turn numbers into a tangible experience? Then I wonder how the senses map to each other. I map the maps.

Sound to image--a visualization. Image to sound--a sonification. In mapping numbers into sensory experience, aesthetic decisions are made. What palette of colors to use? What set of pitches? How long? How big? The artist chooses. In a digital world the mapping itself is a choice. Beyond arithmetic there are no rules.

I make simple rules. You have to start somewhere. One loop (now it's a narrative). Two minutes (don't blink). The sound should be seen, the image audible. Other than that, make music. It's jazz in 4D. Hear the colors, listen with your eyes.

music/graphics-Brian Evans

Maps are metaphors. Through metaphors we connect what we experience to what we know. We create knowledge by connecting the new (the present) to what we know (the past) and so maybe predict what happens next (the future).

Our desire to predict fuels our desire to live, to survive. Desire is the foundation of narrative. Narrative reduces to desire, action and result. We exist in the endless loop of desire.

I make maps. The maps loop in time and in the moment. There is synchrony in the sensory horizontal and the temporal vertical. Image and audio derive from the same numeric source. Each maps the other in the moment and through time. It's visual music in a synaesthetic counterpoint.

Musical narrative developed over centuries, moving the listener through time with the Pythagorean struggle of harmonic conflict, dissonance seeking consonance. My little loops engage that struggle at various levels. Color shifts. Composition flows. Image and sound agree, complement, disagree and resolve.

Perhaps it's abstract expressionism, true to its digital materials, founded in musical traditions and Modernist formalism. But it's loosened a bit. It's meant to be fun (God forbid). It's jazz in color, shape, sound and computation. Relax. Hear the colors. Listen with your eyes.

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